List of all current PATCH Publications

Langley, R., Gilbert, D., Duong, T., Clarke, N., Nankivell, M., & Rosen, S. et al. (2021). Transdermal oestradiol for androgen suppression in prostate cancer: long-term cardiovascular outcomes from the randomised Prostate Adenocarcinoma Transcutaneous Hormone (PATCH) trial programme. The Lancet397(10274), 581-591.

Langley RE, Godsland IF, Kynaston H, Clarke NW, Rosen SD, Morgan RC, Pollock P,
Kockelbergh R, Lalani el-N, Dearnaley D, Parmar M & Abel PD (2008) Early hormonal data
from a multicentre phase II trial using transdermal oestrogen patches as first-line hormonal
therapy in patients with locally advanced or metastatic prostate cancer. BJU Int. 2008; 102
(4): 442-445.


Langley RE, Cafferty FH, Alhasso AA, Rosen SD, Sundaram SK, Freeman SC, Pollock P Jinks

RC, Godsland IF, Kockelbergh R, Clarke NW, Kynaston HG, Parmar MKB, Abel PD.
Cardiovascular Outcomes in Patients with Locally Advanced and Metastatic Prostate Cancer
Treated with LHRH Agonists or Transdermal Oestrogen in the Randomised Phase II MRC
PATCH Trial (PR09). Lancet Oncology 2013; 14(4): 306-316.

Phillips I, Shah SI, Duong T, Abel P, Langley RE. Androgen Deprivation Therapy and the
Re-emergence of Parenteral Estrogen in Prostate Cancer. Oncol Hematol Rev. 2014 Spring;

Langley RE, Kynaston HG, Alhasso AA, Duong T, Paez EM, Jovic G, Scrase CD, Robertson
A, Cafferty F, Welland A, Carpenter R, Honeyfield L, Abel RL, Stone M, Parmar MKB, Abel
PD. A Randomised Comparison Evaluating Changes in Bone Mineral Density in Advanced
Prostate Cancer: Luteinising Hormone releasing Hormone Agonists Versus Transdermal
Oestradiol. European Urology 69 (2016) 1016 – 1025.


Gilbert DC, Duong T, Kynaston HG, Alhasso AA, Cafferty FH, Rosen SD, Kanaga-Sundaram
S, Dixit S, Laniado M, Madaan S, Collins G, Pope A, Welland A, Nankivell M, Wassersug R,
Parmar MKB, Langley RE, Abel PD. Quality-of-life outcomes from the Prostate
Adenocarcinoma: TransCutaneous Hormones (PATCH) trial evaluating luteinising hormonereleasing
hormone agonists versus transdermal oestradiol for androgen suppression in
advanced prostate cancer. BJU Int. 2017 May; 119(5):667-675.